“It’s a tough world out there…” Sid said while smoothing the bristled fur on Claire’s ears. “So some jerk found a stash of acorns, that’s why we have several stashes. It’s early in the nut season, we have time to stock up. Don’t worry about it sweaty.”
Claire smiled grudgingly and leaned into Sid’s shoulder, her tail wrapping around him gently. She twitched her ears and brushed the bridge of her nose along his jaw, then chirped her high pitched chip she used when she happy.
Sid nestled against her, their fur blending into a single coat.
The first songs of the early morning birds filtered their way to Sid’s ears. Their songs began just as the first traces of morning light climbed over the western mountain range, preparing to trek across the sky.
“I have to go sweaty. We’ll get the acorns back, don’t worry. I’ll be back after…”
Claire turned her face down, her ears twitched then settled against her head.
“Don’t be sad. I’ll be back soon. He depends on me. He’ll come by, take some measurements, a blood sample, then leave. I’ll come straight back.”
She scratched at her ear with her back foot distractedly then left.
Sid sighted.
The louver window was cracked as usual and the overhead plumbing of the basement laboratory was warm due to the people living in the apartment building above were drawing warm water for their morning showers.
Sid climbed from the plumbing to the wall mounted electrical conduits and down to Roger’s cage, which rested on the well swept floor.
“Good morning Roger.” Sid whispered, unsure if Roger was awake yet.
Roger was a great dane with giant loose jowls. His eyelids opened slowly and his massive pupils dilated, Sid’s small reflection grew as Roger got to his feet. He pressed his forehead against the top of his cage under Sid’s feet.
Sid gripped the wire cage with his hands and raked his back feet against Roger’s head. Roger’s mouth fell open in to an expression of bliss.
“I have to get back to my cage before the doc sees me missing. I’ll say hello on my way back out.” Sid smiled as Roger bobbed his head then lay back down.
From Roger’s cage it was a short jump to the counter top, a quick dash across the disheveled papers and note pads, then a long but easy jump to his cage on the bookshelf. Once there, Sid looked over the laboratory.
The birds cages, under their night shades, rustled as Beth and Morty woke and splashed in their water dish.
The rabbits, Mark and Susan, were already finishing last nights stock of vegetables, their intentions of the day already evident by their proximity.
The reptiles… they just continued to look creepy and cold blooded, their unblinking eyes registering Sid’s movement from behind glass.
The sound of the laboratory door opening filled the room. He lifted the latch on his cage door, stepped inside, and refastened the latch.
The light’s of the little laboratory flickered to life and the doc stepped into view. “How are my little friends doing this morning?” His words were spiked with hope, they way there were every morning, and his eyes twinkled with scientific dreams of new discovery.
“Time to see if the medicine is working!” The doc busied himself, dashing about collecting clipboards and testing tools.
Sid felt bad about hiding the truth from the doc. He was afraid that if he spoke, the doc would stop administering the drugs. He also wondered if he should stop taking the drugs, simply not return after leaving for the night. Intelligence was the only thing that truly separated him from Claire.
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